IPL Treatment

Cutera LimeLight

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment, also known as photorejuvenation or photofacial, is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure used to address a variety of skin issues and improve skin texture and tone. It uses high-intensity pulses of broad-spectrum light to target and destruct specific chromophores in the skin, such as melanin (responsible for pigmentation) and hemoglobin (present in blood vessels) leading to the body's natural healing processes in removal of the damaged tissue. IPL treatments can be used to help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sunspots, revealing smoother and healthier-looking skin. It can address pigmentation issues caused by sun damage, age spots, or freckles, lightening these areas and promoting a more even skin tone. IPL treatments are also used to treat vascular conditions such as redness and visible blood vessels caused by rosacea or broken capillaries. Lastly, IPL can also be used in the treatment of acne by targeting and reducing the activity of sebaceous glands.

It is important to note that IPL is not suitable for all skin types and conditions.  Consulting with our qualified licensed practitioner in our Westlake office before undergoing this treatment is important.

Pigment Treatment

  • Typical treatment takes about 20 minutes depending on the area of concern
  • Some experience mild discomfort associated with a hot “snapping” on the skin
  • The treated area(s) will be red and feel warm (almost similar to a sunburn) lasting 24-48 hours 
  • An average of 3 treatments is recommended to address pigment concerns. IPL is not a permanent solution and pigments can reappear with repeat sun exposure – ask your provider about additional modalities to help reduce the chance of recurrence
  • Although there is no “downtime” with IPL, it is not recommended to have this done before an event as you can still be red and the pigment is anticipated to darken before sloughing off
  • Arrive to your appointment with clean skin, makeup and lotion free
  • Avoid sun-tanning or self-tanners (inclusive of spray tans, tanning lotions, tanning beds, etc) 4 weeks prior to treatment 
  • Some medications or supplements may increase the risk of bruising – consult with your provider and notify them if you are/were on Accutane
  • Discontinue any retinoid products 5 days prior to your appointment
  • Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (waxing, depilatories)
  • History of herpes or cold sores may require an anti-viral prescription prior to treatment
  • Notify clinic with any changes to your health history or medications since your last appointment
  • Avoid sun exposure and use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen to prevent further sun damage
  • Bruising, redness and swelling are common and resolve with time
  • Cool compresses, chilled gel, or hydro-gel pads may be applied as needed
  • Avoid heat so hot tubs, saunas, etc for 1-2 days
  • Treated pigment will turn darker (brown to black) appearing “peppered” within 24-48 hours
  • Do not pick the treated area or use any exfoliants
  • Treated pigment will exfoliate/slough off in 7-10 days
  • Avoid skin irritants (products containing tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc) for 5 days post treatment
  • Consult with your provider about when to resume skin care regimen
  • Avoid artificial tanning or sun exposure between treatments
  • Notify clinic of any concerns such as blistering or excessive redness/swelling
  • Treatments should be scheduled in intervals of 4 or more weeks apart

Vascular Treatment

  • Typical treatment takes about 20 minutes depending on the area of concern
  • Some experience mild discomfort associated with a hot “snapping” on the skin
  • The treated area(s) will be red and feel warm (almost similar to a sunburn) lasting 24-48 hours 
  • Erythema (redness) and bruising is common and resolve with time
  • More than 1 treatment is typically needed to achieve results
  • Arrive to your appointment with clean skin, makeup and lotion free
  • Avoid sun-tanning or self-tanners (inclusive of spray tans, tanning lotions, tanning beds, etc) 4 weeks prior to treatment 
  • Some medications or supplements may increase the risk of bruising – consult with your provider and inform them if taking any photosensitizing drugs such as but not limited to Tetracycline or Plaquenil
  • Notify your provider if you are/were on Accutane
  • Avoid treatments that may irritate the skin 1-2 weeks prior to treatment (waxing, depilatories)
  • History of herpes or cold sores may require an anti-viral prescription prior to treatment
  • Notify clinic with any changes to your health history or medications since your last appointment
  • Avoid sun exposure and use a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen 
  • Bruising, redness and swelling are common and resolve with time (can last up to 1 week)
  • Avoid heat so hot tubs, saunas, etc for 1-2 days
  • A urticarial, hive like or “bug bite look” is common and usually resolves in 1-2 days – Aquaphor can be applied to minimize discomfort
  • Often times there’s discoloration or darkening of the vessels before improvement
  • Avoid skin irritants (products containing tretinoin, retinol, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic/salicylic acids, astringents, etc) for 5 days post treatment
  • Leg vein treatments only:
  • Compression stockings are optional 20-30-40 mm/hg – may increase comfort and help reduce bruising
  • Avoid high impact activity for 3-5 days
  • Hemosiderin staining (brown staining) may occur after a treatment and usually resolves with time but on rare occasion, it may be permanent – strict avoidance of sun exposure decreases this risk
  • Large leg veins may take many months to resolve and should not be re-treated before then
  • Consult with your provider about when to resume skin care regimen
  • Notify clinic of any concerns such as blistering or excessive redness/swelling
  • Treatments should be scheduled in intervals of 6 or more weeks apart